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Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Absalom Hooper Will Signature and More

Here's more of the Absalom Hooper will signature that was difficult to read. This comes from Davidson County, Tennessee and was located on the Familysearch website. The will was recorded in August of 1813. Click on the image to see a larger version.

The witnesses are T. Tanner*, Isaac Lucas and Susannah (her mark) Lucas.
What are those words after the Lucas' signatures?

If anyone's really interested, I do have a digital copy of the entire will.

*-MJN note-My initial post went "live" before I reviewed it. This really should have been S. Shannon.


  1. T Tanner looks like S Shannon to me

  2. It looks a bit like Lural :-/

  3. Jurat-In English and American law, the word jurat is applied to that part of an affidavit which contains the names of the parties swearing the affidavit, the actual statement that an oath or affirmation has been made, the person before whom it was sworn, the date, place and other necessary particulars. The jurat is usually located on the bottom of a document.

  4. I think both of the words after the Lucas signatures are "Jurat" which indicates the witnesses took an oath. The word is from a Latin verb meaning to swear or take an oath.

  5. Isaac Lucas looks like "Jurat"
    Susan Lucas looks like "Iwiat"
    This time, I didn't manage to NOT read the earlier comments. If I had tried to choose before reading those notes, I guess I would have chosen "Jurat" because it was easier to read Of course, with those explanations, "Jurat" clearly wins.
