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Thursday, July 7, 2011

What Date Is That?

What is the date for the third entry in this image? This also comes from the poor farm ledger that has been the topic of several recent posts. 


  1. If it says "November" it is out of order with the other dates. listed are April, November and March? Doesn't make sense to me. But looking over the entire list, there are lots of dates that are out of order. The ledger wasn't very well kept.

  2. I would imagine the image shown is only a small part of the ledger page. Maybe the the first dates (unseen) listed were those when the people arrived at the poor farm. Maybe even an alphabetical list of their names!!

  3. Having looked at the Post on Tuesday 5th, I now believe the date should read:-
    Novem 11 1879

  4. These are discharge dates from a poor farm and are not in chronological order anyway....

  5. Novemb 1 1875 The day of the month on the other entries are well separated from the month otherwise I would have agreed with Anonymous and said the 11th as well.

  6. November 11, 1875..That is what I see.

  7. Novem 11 1879.

    Not the easiest thing to read this one.
