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Thursday, October 20, 2011

Line 6-Lovely Census Handwriting

What is the sixth name on this page? The image below pulls up a larger image--the desired name is on line 84 of the larger sheet. Try and avoid looking in indexes and other finding aids for this one. It's a challenge. I know who it is, but won't provide any clues. 


  1. My wild guess is the Head (or father) is Trientje Sabetorius; the son is Claude. It's even difficult to read the name of the enumerator. It must have been a very cold January day when he -Roy or Ray M. C???? went out censusing!

  2. Tripotze, Isidore
    (pretty much wild guessing)

  3. Frientge, Sabetorius
    I think son, Claude, is named after the father.

  4. Pat B's suggestion is what I came up with, also.

    Pam W.

  5. First name of Claude is my best guess, no idea on the last name

  6. Trientje, Sabatonia or Sabatonius

  7. I think for the first name, he meant to write

    Sabetorius is what I think he meant for the last name.

    Her name was actually Trientje Sartorius--but that's because I know where she was living, and all the other details matched for this person, including the son Claude.
