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Monday, December 1, 2014

Signing for My Neighbor's Homestead

This man signed an affidavit in a Nebraska homestead application in the 1890s. What is his name?


  1. Are you going to tell us the right answer?

  2. Full name: Tobias "Tobe" Hinrich Janssen Paben. Tobe was born 30 November 1853 in Kreis Aurich, Ostfriesland, Germany He resided in
    Gage County, Nebraska from 1907 until his death on October 1, 1937.
    He was quite an interesting person. He enlisted in the U.S. Army and
    served from June 18, 1873 until June 18, 1878. He took part in the
    campaign against the several tribes of Indians partly in Texas and
    New Mexico. Tobe was married to my great-grandmother, Gretje
    (Eilts) Hinrichs. My mother could remember him, and said that he
    was always reading books about the old west.
