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Tuesday, November 8, 2011

48 Year Old Registers for Draft

This 48-year old registered for the World War 2 draft in New York in 1942.


  1. Save Ignatoirch (seems improbable, but Slavic?)

  2. The comment from Sue is probably correct.
    As I see it though the 4th letter in each word is "a" and there is a "v" in the surname.
    My guess is --
    Sava Ignatovich ??

  3. Most probably, "Sava", as it is a very common & populat male name in the Slavic countries.

  4. It could be a sloppily written "Saul" and the last name looks either "Ignatovich" or "Ignatoirch" but not sure which. I would be using whatever other clues were available to determine the background heritage to use the culture/nationality to help determine what I was reading. Was he Slavic? Was he Jewish? Was his address a known Jewish neighborhood or a known Slavic neighborhood?
